Academic Transfer
At Grays Harbor College, students have the opportunity to transfer to one of the Bachelor of Applied Science programs right here at GHC to complete their four-year degree. In fact, Washington’s community colleges now offer a wide range of Bachelor programs. Many BAS programs require an associate in applied science degree in the same discipline. Grays Harbor College also prepares student academically to transfer to other four-year colleges and universities. You should consult with an GHC advisor early in your program of study to discuss transfer option.
Transferring from GHC to one of Grays Harbor College Bachelor of Applied Science Programs or a different College or University
GHC has set its general education requirements for the associate degrees (Direct Transfer Agreement/Major Related Programs) to conform with the guidelines of the Washington Inter-College Relations Commission (ICRC) for direct transfer of those degree credits. Washington baccalaureate colleges and universities also accept these guidelines. Students entering with AA degrees from GHC are considered to be in their junior year and to have completed the general education requirements at these baccalaureate institutions.
Students may transfer before completing an Associate’s degree, but it is important to know that the receiving college or university decides what credits transfer and whether or not those credits meet its degree requirements. Some college and university programs may require additional 100 and 200-level courses in addition to the Associate’s Degree. Specific Bachelor’s programs, changes in career goals, or changing majors may increase the total number of credits you must take to graduate.
You may earn more than 90 credit hours at GHC, but the total number of credits accepted for transfer will be determined by the institution to which you transfer. Students who have completed the Washington 45 requirements may be able to transfer and apply a maximum of 45 quarter credits toward general education requirements at any other public and most private higher education institutions in the state. For more information about Washington 45, see the GHC website, The list of courses in Washington 45 does not replace the Direct Transfer Agreement, Associate of Science Tracks 1 and 2, or any Major Related Program agreement, nor will it guarantee admission to a four-year institution.
GHC courses numbered below 100 are not transferable. Courses with titles containing the word “technical” or “technology” are not transferable to all baccalaureate institutions, but they may transfer to some of these colleges. You should work closely with faculty an advisor before attempting to transfer courses that are specialized components of professional and technical education programs or listed by the Inter-College Relations Commission (ICRC) as “restricted subject area” courses. Associate in Applied Science-Transfer degrees transfer to some colleges. Work with your advisor for transferring options.
Visit your chosen transfer college whenever possible. You learn more about a school by visiting. While you’re there, talk to everybody you can: students, admissions officers, financial aid staff, counselors, and instructors. Call or e-mail your transfer college whenever you can’t get answers to your questions. Your chosen school is your best source of information.
Transfer Advising appointments are available through Student Services.
Transferring to GHC
Course-by-Course Transfer
GHC transfers credit on a course-by-course basis. Students wishing to transfer credit from another institution must submit a request to their previous college(s) to have their official transcript sent directly to the Welcome Center. Official transcripts from other institutions must be received in their original, sealed envelope in order to be evaluated. Transcripts from institutions outside of the United States that are notarized or sealed in other manners but not in their original sealed envelopes may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Courses will be evaluated for equivalency to GHC coursework or applicability to GHC degrees. When a course is accepted in transfer, the same number of credits as was originally assigned to the course will be assigned at GHC. Semester credits are converted to quarter credits on a basis of 1.5 quarter credits for each semester credit (i.e. 3 semester credits equal 4.5 quarter credits).
Transfer evaluations are typically completed within six weeks.
Although there is no limit on the number of credits a student may transfer to GHC before graduating, the student must meet all GHC degree requirements, including residency requirements, for any degree or certificate.
Courses numbered below 100 are not transferable to GHC, however, they may be noted on a written evaluation if they can be used as a prerequisite to GHC courses.
Transfer credit is usually not accepted for the following types of study or coursework: 1) courses taken at colleges and universities that are not regionally accredited; 2) noncredit courses and workshops; 3) remedial or college preparatory courses; and 4) sectarian religious studies. Exceptions must be approved by the Vice-President for Instruction.
Credit from military training transcribed on the Joint Services Transcript or from an institution outside of the United States that is recognized by the relevant national authority is considered to be credit from a regionally accredited institution.
Reciprocity of Distribution Areas and Reverse Transfer
Students who started a DTA or Associate in Science-Transfer at another Washington Community College that had specific program requirements may be eligible to have those requirements considered to be met at GHC even if they would not otherwise have done so. Additionally, students who transferred to public universities in the State of Washington prior to completing an associate degree at GHC, may be eligible to transfer credits earned at the college or university back to Grays Harbor College. Students should contact the Welcome Center at or via phone at (360)532-9020 for more information. Transcripts for students who meet requirements via reciprocity will be noted with the name of the sending institution.
Students who wish to appeal a decision concerning acceptance of transfer credit should do so in writing to the Vice President for Instruction.
Academic Credit for Prior Learning
GHC accepts equivalency credit awarded for prior experiential learning or by approved testing methods which reflect previous training, private study, work completed at other institutions, or other bona fide qualifications that indicate the student has the knowledge or abilities equivalent to course completers. PLA Credit is not awarded for EXPERIENCE, but for college-level LEARNING that entails knowledge, skills, and competencies that students have obtained as a result of their prior learning experience. Methods of assessment include but are not limited to: Credit by Testing (CLEP), Credit by Extra-Institutional learning (Military and Industry Training), and credit by Prior Experiential Learning (Portfolio). No more than 25% of required credits for a degree or certificate may be satisfied by prior experience learning. For more information regarding Academic Credit for Prior Learning, please contact the office of Instruction at (360) 538-4009.
Certain conditions apply to PRIOR LEARNING
- The student must be registered at GHC for the quarter in which non-traditional credits are requested.
- The student must have completed ten quarter credit hours at GHC.
- Credits awarded are identified as such on the student’s transcript, and are not calculated into the GPA.
- Non-traditional credits do not count toward residence requirements.
- The number of non-traditional credits awarded cannot exceed 25% of the total number of credits for a degree or a
- Transferability of these credits to other colleges will be subject to the policies of the receiving institution.
- A fee per credit hour is due prior to the approved credits being applied to the transcript.
Advanced Placement
GHC awards advanced standing to entering students based upon levels of performance on the advanced placement (AP) examinations administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. An official transcript from College Board must be submitted to receive credit. For more information regarding advanced placement please contact the Welcome Center at (360)532-9020.